Our Latest Photo (: 我们六个 三男三女 好平均 第一次穿上只属于我们六个的衣服 很好笑但很可爱 原本在学校都是各有各的混 but after Class Trip我们六个才真真的stick together. :**
我们很Random,每次outing都临时决定 一通电话就可出门
在六个里面 我属最差劲 就连走路也能跌倒 其他是估计也没法做的比他们任何一个好
他们很照顾彼此 无论男或女 口头上都是互踩对方 有事发生他们一定在
I'll always by your side 这句话不只是说说而已 他们用行动证明
无论谁 在什么时候难过了 都会陪着哄着 一起解决问题
六个里面 我最忙 时间都是他们迁就我 他们都会体谅我有工作;我也是最容易情绪低落的那个 所以都老是带我去吃好吃的
我们一起 做了很多很疯狂的事 做想做的事  这种相处模式我真希望一直继续

SARAH SAID WE LOOK LIKE TELETUBBIES coz our shirt's colour. LOL. One of my favourite cartoon when i'm small.

They didn't know well about my story yet they're always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to. Such feelings is good enough. Glad to have RG in my college life, I do appreciate what they all did for me. They all brighten up my life completely.

It will all get better in time. No matter how hard it is. I will be fine without you.